I give presentations, workshops, and guest lectures on a number of different subjects, mostly focusing on the intersections of craft/design in immersive storytelling, teaching through behavioural design, and the relationship between inclusivity and innovation.

Breakout Con (Toronto, 2019)
Diversity at the Table
How do we make our games and tables more inclusive? How do we make our stories more interesting and diverse? Join the Asians Represent! podcast crew as they discuss and answer these questions.

Ryerson University (Toronto, 2018 & 2019)
> Puzzles, Process, and Innovation
In this talk I share different stories about my experiences working within different types of teams, how - at Secret City Adventures - we've been able to build collaborational processes through puzzle design.

U of Waterloo (Waterloo, 2019)
> Taiko & Feminism 
In this guest lecture and demonstration, I spoke to an Ethnomusicology class on Japanese taiko drumming as vehicle for feminism in North America and the efficacy of different approaches in breaking down societal expectations, drawing on my intersectional experiences as a woman of colour in game design (as a male dominated field).

Ryerson University (Toronto, 2018)
> Tools for Prototyping
This workshop explores different ways to prototype puzzles and game mechanics, allowing students of different creative backgrounds the opportunity to express their own individual accumulated expertise into their processes and demonstrating the innovation that may come from drawing on those experiences.

Different Games Conference (Massachusetts, 2018)
Play Nice: Diverse Perspectives in Immersive Game Design
As part of the {Craft|Game} track, this talk and workshop highlights the importance of recognizing the full potential of interdisciplinary teams, and offers tools on how to bridge knowledge gaps for more effective communication and an optimized work flow.

Ryerson University (Toronto, 2018)
> Prototyping Interactive Objects for Immersive Experiences
This workshop explores real-world crafting and it's contribution to the believability of building digital storyworlds.

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